Surrealistic Love
Kites of paper in the sky
Lift your head up high!
Shades come nearer from a distance
Plastic image in my mind.
Through a window I see sunshine
My monochromatic view of the world
Suddenly bursts alive with colour.
Stars fall out of the universe,
Suns gleam everywhere,
Kaleidoscopes tumble and twirl
In the jumble of my mind.
Love can glow and
Love can die,
Heads fall tumbling from the sky.
My heart is as loud as a pneumatic hammer
While I embrace every particle of your body
And we sway in the salty sea-breeze.
A landscapes scene
Sunshine, green grass and trees,
The sinuous line of a blue river,
Happiness and peace everywhere;
We two, together in that scene,
Making love in the grass
I know that its love we found.
Surrealistic love
The dream-like registration of love.
Is love just a vision, a dream?