I.1. Accentuation
In Proto-Eleiar stress fell most probably on the initial syllable.
At least, this conclusion is indicated by the initial accent of Eleiar. Prefixes, however, are never
accentuated, as in Elèiar.
I.2. Sound Structure
I.2.1 Vowels
Monophtongs: short 7
e ¡ O U {
long: 7: e: i: o: u:
Diphtongs: 7¡
E¡ {¡ 7U EU {U
Vowels are written by normal letters. Long vowels are indicated
by an acute (´): : á, é, í, ó,
ú. The Schwa
or neutral vowel is indicated by ¶
with the roots and
in Eleiar or Proto-Eleiar by y; compare:
(bare, nude), *yinal (bare, nude).
I.2.2 Consonants
Plosives: p t k b d g
Fricatives: f v s z þ ð c
g h
Nasals: m n
Liquids: l, r
Semi-Vowels: j w
The writing of consonants is a bit more
complicated. With roots consonants are also written by capitals.
The following spellings are to be noted in particular: [D] = Ð
and [c]
= X.
For the words of Eleiar the following spellings apply: [k] = c,
[þ] = th, [ð] = dd, [c] = ch, [g] = gh, [j] = i und [z] = z.
Constraints on syllable structure
The following syllable structures are permitted in the roots of
Proto-Eleiar (V = vowel, C = consonant)
In the medial position of a word no more than two consonants can
come into contact. If it should occur however, that more than
two consonants meet morphologically in hiatus, an epenthetic vowel
seperates them which is in vowel harmony with the base vowel. The following rules
a, ai, au Þ a; e, ei, eu Þ e; i, i Þ i; o,u, u Þ u.
Apart from the restrictions on number there are some constraints
on which consonants can come into contact as regards position.
The following combinations are allowed:
a) Initial position: CC-: plosive + liquid, consonants + semi-vowel,
fricative + liquid, s + consonant (with voiced consonants z- stands
b) Medial position: -CC-: only liquids and nasals resp. nasal
+ consonant (exception: nasal + liquid), consonant + semi-vowel,
s + consonant
c) Final position: In direct final position only one consonant
can occur. Combinations of endings of two syllables of the form
-VC|CV are however permitted.
II.4. Phonetic changes in the transition to Eleiar:
In the transition
from Proto- to Eleiar some phonetic changes occured regularly
in hiatus. These phonetic developments are found as well in the
derivation of the words of Eleiar from the roots as in the further
grammatical treatment of the words.
In the hiatus of vocalic syllables (that is of the structure -CV
+ VC-) vowels assimilate to each other (this applies to monophtongs
and diphtongs both). In the process, diphtongs lose the first
element (e.g. ei + a Þ ia). The following changes occur:
Long vowels assimilate the following or the preceding vowel.
Some examples show the process:
SEJ + AÐ Þ (a) siadd (people, folk); SLEI (seperate, divide)+
AÐ Þ sliadd (cleft, gap), gAI (divide, distribute)
+ -ON Þ ghion (distribution, f.); ÐRE (search,
strive for) + -ON Þ ddreon (search, f.); ÞRE (permanent,
lasting) + -AL Þ thrél (constant); GEU (foresee, suspect)
+ -AR Þ guar (premonition, assumption, f.).
As already mentioned, these phonetic changes apply also to other
positions; e.g. kelda (happy, joyful) {Ü KEL (be happy, celebrate)
+ -DA} + -ON Þ keldón (happiness, joyfulness, f.).
In the hiatus of consonantal syllables (-VC + CV-) diphtongs are
shortened: i, ei Þ i; u, eu Þ u; ai, au Þ a. Examples: TAUR (hurt) + -DA Þ tarda (hurtful);
BEIL (begin, change) + -KA Þ bilka (changable); ÞEUR (to rage, go
wild) + -DA Þ thurda (raging, furious).