II.3.2. Pronouns
1.) Personal Pronouns

   1. person  2. person

 3. person


 nominative nur  ain  eca*  uca
 genitive  na  eia  ecu  ucu
 dative  eiu  eca  uca
 accusative  nurach  eiach  ecach  ucach
 locative  nén  eian  ecan  ucan
 partitive  nau  eiu  ecu  ucu

* The pronouns of the third person use the forms of the article.

   1. person  2. person

 3. person

 nominative thors  lis  us
 genitive  thuas  lís  és
 dative thaus  lís  ús
 accusative  thuach  lích  úch
 locative  thuan  líns  éns
 partitive  thus  lios  aus

2.) Possessive Pronouns

 1. person num 2. person ám 3. person cam
4. person thum 5. person lim 6. person um

The possessives decline like the nouns of the "consonant" declension; e.g. efna num berdov (my song), ufnu ám cerru (your deed).

3.) Demonstrative Pronoun
The demonstrative pronouns of Fénilar have the same forms like Eleiar. Like the article, these pronouns also use a combination of stem and gender particle, East-Elven has the following demonstrative pronouns:
ecna, ucna (this)
ella, ulla (that)
Therefore they decline like the article; e.g. ecnu indru (of this hunter), ullu oldar (of this flute).

4.) Interrogative Pronoun

nominative genitive dative accusative locative partitive
an? anu? anu? anuch? anun? an?

5.) Relative Pronoun

The relative pronouns is declined like the demonstrative pronoun. Here the combination of the gender particle with the vocalic initial of the stem AN led already early to the forms *an und *án, which developed according to the sound changes of Fénilar:





 nominative ena éna  nominative enas énas
 genitive enu énu genitive enus énus
dative ena éna dative enas énas
 accusative enach énach  accusative enaches énaches
 locative enant énant  locative enantes énantes
 partitive enu énu      

6.) Indefinite Pronoun
áca, auca (somebody)
etta, utta (nobody)
án, ón (each)
etin, utin (none)
The indefinite pronouns decline like nouns; e.g. ácu indru (of some hunter); án indru (of every hunter).